Saturday, November 9, 2013

School Tips

Do you want to go to college? Then this is the blog for you! Hi! My name is Alexandria Davis. On this blog, I will to tell tips on how to do well in school and why school is important. In this blog I will give you a few tips a week that I think will help.

*First Tip: In your classes and on homework you must PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL. This will help you make good grades on homework and hopefully make 80 and above on tests.

Second Tip: At school you should always have friends that have good behavior and good grades. You should never have friends that act like this:
...O.K??? Good!

Third Tip: At school YOU should have good behavior as well as your friends . This is a list of Do's and Don'ts of behavior at school:

 1.Raise hand if you have a question.
 2.Be respectful to teacher.
 3.Be  smart.
1.Talk when the teacher is talking.
2.Disrupt class.
3.Be rude.